
Making money online

While this blog is really new and I haven't made any money off of it, I do have another blog that I earn money with (sorry, no linkage, this blog is anon.)

I figured that I would list places that have actually paid me for my blog (in descending monetary order):

  • Payperpost

  • Greenfield Online

  • money4blogs

  • Blogsvertize

  • Blogging Ads

  • Brand Institute

  • Incidentally, I am not getting paid for this, but if you would like to join any of these, please let me know as I get a referral fee. I will split with you if you'd like.

    There are other things I am working in (Amazon, Google, CafePress and others), but I have not made any money off of these.

    A lot of folks are writing about this topic. As a matter of fact, it's actually blown up the last few months. (I think PayPerPost has helped a lot.) Anyway, I read 2 Nickels Making a Dollar, where she posts about her progress at her blog. There are others as well, mainly Martin over at Westen30. For a different point of view, go check out I Will Teach You To Be Rich, he doesn't believe in monetizing at all; obviously, I do, but his points are very good.

    Let me caution you, though. If your content sucks, it doesn't matter how much you try to monetize your blog, because no one will read it. Work first on building content and traffic and then take it from there.


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